Open Call: Training on the methodology Problem Management Plus (PM+)

group handshake

Terre des hommes Hellas is pleased to invite you to a training on the Mental Health and Psychosocial (MHPSS) methodology Problem Management Plus (PM+), in the context of the STEP-IN project. PM+ is a brief, low intensity, transdiagnostic, psychological intervention developed by the World Health Organization (WHO), targeted to adults (aged 16+) impaired by distress in communities who are exposed to adversity. During PM+ sessions, beneficiaries learn how to manage practical problems, reduce stress and anxiety, improve their mood, and strengthen their social support through evidence-based techniques. The PM+ strategy has been extensively tested through rigorous scientific studies and implemented across diverse cultural contexts.

Who can apply?

The training is intended for members of the refugee populations as well as professionals who work with refugee populations, especially through MHPSS interventions.

 Useful information on the training:

  • Dates: 6 - 15 November (8 days/ 56 hours)
  • Location: Thessaloniki
  • Training Language: English

We invite those interested in participating to register here until 06/10/2023. A priority order will be kept, also considering the possibility and necessity of the participants to apply the methodology after the end of the training. For further information, you can contact George Kanaris, Child Protection Project Coordinator, at [email protected] or Eleftheria Aravidou, MHPSS Coordinator, at [email protected].

The STEP-IN project is coordinated by SOS Children’s Villages Italy and in collaboration with Terre des hommes (Tdh) Hellas, Tdh Romania, Centro Penc, Jesuit Refugee Services Romania and HERA Center and is co-funded by the European Commission (Health and Digital Executive Agency). For further information on the project, you can visit