An assessment of the childfriendliness of the juvenile justice system in Greece

This study was carried out by Coram International with the support of Terre des Hommes Greece, with the guidance of the UNICEF Office in Greece and the Ministry of Justice. The study presents the child-friendliness of the justice system in Greece, combining the results of a literature review of the juvenile justice system including child victims and forty-nine (49) qualitative interviews with stakeholders in the juvenile justice system, such as prosecutors, judges, defence lawyers, police officers, juvenile probation officers, professionals of the Independent Child Protection Offices "Children's Homes", professionals of non-governmental organizations, public officials, and civil servants. On the basis of the above material, the strengths and gaps of the juvenile justice system in Greece are analysed in comparison with international and European standards and recommendations are provided for the improvement of national policies and the legislative framework for juvenile justice.  The research is available in Greek and English.

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