L'Illustré: Lesbos, prisoners of the horror camp

L'Illustré Tdh

After fleeing war or misery, thousands of them end up on the island of Lesbos, in the camp of Moria, where they still dream of Europe and freedom. Mahdi, 3, and Mozhdeh, 25, recount a daily life in a most heartfelt way. 

"Originally from Lesbos and advocacy manager of Terre des hommes in Greece, Melina Spathari no longer recognizes her homeland, nor the tradition of hospitality that characterized it so well. “The lack of decent living conditions and past trauma make them extremely vulnerable cases. We have seen 10-year-olds self-harm and attempt suicide. Overcrowding has turned this camp into a hell. But the worst is that there is no will to improve things. The authorities running the camp want to keep it as a foil, as a symbol of deterrence, as if saying “you are not welcome here”. And this is not just the will of the Greek state, but that of all European governments. But, unfortunately, by acting in this way, they violate principles, human rights, and children's rights conventions..."

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