Transparency - Policies

Browse or search our documents to show the transparency of TDH Greece.
Child Safeguarding Policy
This document outlines Tdh Hellas' commitment to protecting children from harm, detailing the policies and procedures in place to ensure the safety and well-being of all children involved in our programs.
Policy on Gender and Diversity
This document outlines Tdh Hellas' commitment to promoting gender equality and embracing diversity, detailing the policies and practices that ensure an inclusive and respectful environment for all.
Anti Fraud and Corruption Policy Cover
Terre des hommes is committed to transparency in its activities and transactions, especially in the negotiation and execution of its contracts with donors and suppliers, in the management of its human resources and in the implementation of institutional and operational projects.
Global Code of Conduct
This document outlines the ethical standards and behavioral expectations for all members of Tdh Hellas, ensuring integrity, respect, and accountability in all our actions.
Policy on Protection from Sexual Abuse and Exploitation
This document outlines Tdh Hellas' commitment to preventing and addressing sexual abuse and exploitation, detailing the policies and procedures in place to protect beneficiaries and staff.