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The project Keeping Children Safe in Sports aims to promote child safeguarding in sports and summer camp settings in Romania and Greece. Furthermore, this knowledge can be applied to all sport settings.
The course is designed to provide an introduction to safeguarding children involved in sports and recreational settings. The online module includes both theory and practical examples. The course is only considered complete when all of the elements have been completed.
The e-course lasts 45 minutes. It addresses coaches, summer camp staff and other professionals working with children in sport and recreational settings.
By the end of this course, you will better understand the following topics:
- What is safeguarding in a sports context (i.e. the aims of the KCSS project)
- Legislation and guidance for safeguarding children in your care
- The 4 R’s in safeguarding
- Good practice behaviours when keeping children safe.
This e-course was made in the framework of the KCSS project, co-funded by the European Union’ Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (REC 2014-2020) and coordinated by Terre des hommes Romania, in partnership with Terre des hommes Hellas and the Regional Office of Terre des hommes.
The content of this e-course represents only the views of the authors and is their sole responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.